Ok, so I'm the worst blogger ever. It's been confirmed. I called my friend Natalie and those were the first words out of her mouth. I admit it. It's true.
So Christmas hit our city today. We have snow everywhere and when it gets this cold, ICE everywhere. The kids bundled up to play in the backyard and I couldn't get the screen open. It was frozen shut. I took my kettle of hot water out and melted the ice off the runner so we could open it. The kids thought that was really cool. The air was so cold and windy that the snow was un-ball-able so no snowmen or snowballs. And Maya didn't last long--it was freezing.
I am sick today. I always feel so bad making someone else do singing time. It's one of those that's really hard to substitute last minute unless you are comfortable with Primary songs and singing solos in front of teachers and kids. Luckily my friend Kati saved me yet again. I have such sweet friends.
Feeling sick makes me appreciate what the Savior did for us. My experience seems so hard for me and yet what He did for us we couldn't endure. He suffered it willingly because He loves us. This makes me want to endure my small scale suffering gracefully and keep things in perspective.
I am still getting Christmas cards out! I really should be fired.