Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Lincoln's prayer

I just got done putting the kids down. I haven't been really good about making them say their prayers with me I just occasionally remind them that they should as I turn off the lights and close the door. But tonight I decided to make sure they said their prayers and asked Lincoln to say his with me. He said, "Heavenly Father, thank thee that Christ likes me, bless that no people will go in the bushes." and then he ended. After he was done I asked him what he said because I thought I heard him wrong but he said word for word the same phrases and then looked concerned and said, "oh sorry I'm going to say another one. I was glad because I thought maybe he would elaborate on the bush people. He said, "Heavenly Father, thank thee that Christ likes me and mommy, and bless that no people go in the bushes" then he ended and looked at me like--better? So I guess we all have Lincoln to thank when we see all the people-less bushes everywhere.


Adele said...

Hmm... Maybe this is the teenagers looking for shrooms, oh, I mean her bracelet in the bushes around your house?? That's the only explanation I've got for that crazy nephew of mine!

Natalie said...

Yeah! I am so glad you have a blog now! I love hearing about your kids and the funny things they do and say! I look forward to more posts to brighten my day! And seriously thank you for the exersaucer, it is a true lifesaver!!!!

Kati said...

Has Lincoln ever seen someone go to the bathroom in the bushes? That's what it sounded like to me! :)

Jen said...

Thank goodness Lincoln is looking out for all of us. I don't know what we'd do if he didn't keep those folks out of the bushes! Michelle, I'm so glad I found your blog. I was just thinking about your sweet family and wondering how you were, so now I know where to find you!

Cailean said...

Those pesky Bush people! I guess that's a sure thing then that he'll vote Democrat this year. Soooo glad we have each other's blogs now and that we can see your adorable family!

Janene said...

I'm so glad you have a blog now--careful--it's addictive. I love your stories about your kids. You always made me laugh, so I'm glad I get another chance to hear your crazy stories! Miss you!

Jessica said...

You're a blogger! how fun! I found a link to your blog from the Fords and I'm glad I did. I loved all you funny stories. Michael keeps asking me what I'm cracking up about while I'm on my computer. Don't kids say the darndest things!? Check out our blog