Saturday, February 28, 2009

Natalie has been reading The Boxcar Children series and has been pretending to live in a boxcar in the back yard. Well it got really cold and rainy this week so she had to compromise. She gets whatever food I'll let her have and shares it with Benny (Lincoln). It's so nice to see them play something besides Sonic or Pokemon.

Thanks aunt Adele for the Towels! Maya was willing to sit for a bit while I grabbed the camera. The lighting was so perfect and she was in such a cute mood-I couldn't resist.


Miss Debbie Tiek said...

These are the cutest pictures ever! Lincoln looks so grown-up. So does Nats and Maya. What cute pics.

Adele said...

oh i love how those pics of maya turned out... glad you like the towels!

Heidi said...

Oh my goodness I am glad Maya let you take those pictures! They are adoreable! (Just like her!) Natalie is looking so grown up.

Kati said...

That pic of Maya is ADORABLE! What a cutie :)

The kids were playing Boxcar Children over here too. I thought it was so cute :)

Elise said...

What awesome shots of Maya. Have a great week!

Melissa Tiek said...

I used to LOVE the Boxcar Children. Maybe I will go home and make myself a boxcar as well...and Maya is adorable as usual. :)

~Aimee~ said...

Little ones wrapped in hooded towels make the cutest pictures ever! I've taken a ton of Jilly like that. :-) Your kids get cuter everyday, I swear!

Cailean said...

I also LOVED that series. I loved visualizing living in that boxcar! Ah, how things have changed :) I'm so glad you're posting more regularly on your blog!

Tawnya said...

Have I told you how much I love Maya's smile? She is always so happy. I love it. Too cute.

Ricki said...

I loved those books as a kid! But I was too busy playing Little House on the Prairie in the backyard to make a boxcar. I'm sure our neighbors thought we were "those weird Mormons" walking around in bonnets, long dresses, and aprons in the backyard. :) Super cute kiddos!